Various signs
The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

There are 256 signs has the tag Literature and poetry:       Show on map Thumbnails mode

251 Venice - commemorative plaque for the Russian poet Joseph Brodsky
Fondamenta Zattere Allo Spirito Santo, 564, 30123 Venezia VE, Italy
252 Paris - the statue of the poet Pierre de Ronsard
43B Rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, France
253 Tel Aviv - Trumpeldor Cemetery - Information about Azar, Druyanov, Fichman and Devorah Baron
Hovevei Tsiyon St 18, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
254 Bath - the place where Mary Shelley wrote "Frankenstein"
9 Abbey Churchyard, Bath BA1 1LY, UK
255 Blois - Tree grate with quotes from Le Fontaine and Robert Alcide about the city
18 Rue Denis Papin, 41000 Blois, France
256 Ibiza - "The domain of betrayal" a poem by Marià Villangómez, the poet from Ibiza
Carrer Major, 24, 07800 Eivissa, Illes Balears, Spain

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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