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Sign: Ibiza - "The domain of betrayal" a poem by Marià Villangómez, the poet from Ibiza

Carrer Major, 24, 07800 Eivissa, Illes Balears, Spain
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On the sign:
[Coat of arms of Ibiza]


D’amor parlava la llegenda...
d’amor feliç, després perdut...

Per aquí entràrem, recordaven sempre
els amos nous, la sang i el dolor ja delits.
Traït un infidel pel seu cap i germà,
que una dona escollida li arrapava.
Quedaven la llegenda com una flor estantissa,
un camp veí amb el nom de la Traïció...
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The poet Marià Villangómez (1913-2002), a poet born in Ibiza.
The municipality of Ibiza placed 15 signs including poems by the poet in a literary route commemorating his memory.

The place where the sign is located was photographed on the same day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:

The legend spoke of love...
of happy love, then lost...

This is where we will enter, they always remembered
new masters, blood and pain already delighted.
Betrayed an infidel by his boss and brother,
that a chosen woman snatched him.
The legend remained like a stagnant flower,
a neighboring field with the name of Treason...

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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