Various signs
The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

There are 248 signs has the tag Literature and poetry:       Show on map List mode

London - Baker Street Subway Station - Interior of the station (2) London - Baker Street Subway Station - Interior of the station (3) London - Baker Street Subway Station - Interior of the station (4) London - Baker Street Subway Station - Interior of the station (5) London - Leicester Square - Statue of William Shakespeare Tel Aviv - The White City - a song by Naomi Shemer London -  Hampstead - South End Green fountain London - Kingly Court - Poetry and literature - A poem by Felix Dennis Holon - Story Garden - Sculptures tell children’s stories Holon - Story Garden - About Dwarfs, Mushrooms and What Else Holon - Story Garden - My Uncle Simcha loves animals Holon - Story Garden - The Louse Nechama Holon - Story Garden - Apartment for rent Holon - Story Garden - Sculptures tell children’s stories - Phase II Holon - Story Garden - Itamar walks on walls Holon - Story Garden - The cockroach that cockroach enters his head Holon - Story Garden - Noa’s sign language Holon - Story Garden - The fish that did not want to be a fish Holon - A sign directing to the story gardens Scattered from Kfar Azar, 2 cats on one bench Holon - Story Garden - The scatterbrained from Kfar Azar Holon - A sign directing to the story gardens Holon - Story Garden - Two cats on one bench Holon - Story Garden - Dudu’s dinosaur Holon - Story Garden - The Little Prince Holon - Story Garden - Itamar meets a rabbit Holon - Story Garden - Dad’s big umbrella Holon - Story Garden - Wedding in the garden Holon - Story Garden - Shmulikipod Garden Holon - Story Garden - I built a tower of cubes Holon - Story Garden - Noah’s Ark Garden Holon - Story Garden - The Giving Tree Rehovot - The Minkov Museum - Orange Peel Trail Holon - Story Garden - The plots of Ferdinand Pedhatzur in brief Holon - Story Garden - Brown father Holon - Story Garden - The rabbit Mamushi Holon - Story Garden - There were two monkeys Holon - Story Garden - Cheburashka and his friends Givat Hen - Birkat Am Street Holon - Story Garden - Moomins Holon - Story Garden - Musically hot corn Holon - Story Garden - A purple monster Holon - Story Garden - The lion that loved strawberry Holon - Story Garden - Fables of Holon New York - Central Park - Alice in Wonderland Holon - Story Garden - It’s Me Holon - Story Garden - The bird of the soul Holon - Story Garden - Caspion the Little Fish Holon - Story Garden - Where’s Pluto Holon - Story Garden - The Chameleon Jerusalem - A tour following the book "Someone to Run With" - Sergei’s Courtyard Binyamina - "A friend was a friend" square Holon - Story Garden - Ruthie’s umbrella Holon - Story Garden - The disguised egg Netanya - Outdoor sculpture from the book "Diamonds in the Aquarium" Jerusalem - A tour following the book "Someone to Run With" - Cats Square New York - Library Walk - About the Project New York - Library Walk - Gu Cheng song: Forever Parted: Graveyard New York - Library Walk - On the advantage of knowing different types of literature New York - Library Walk - Quote from Too Loud a Solitude New York - Library Walk - Quote by William Styron New York - Library Walk - Quote from Jorge Luis Borges’ "Compass" New York - Library Walk - Quote from "The day and the night" by Georges Braque New York - Library Walk - Quote from "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius New York - Library Walk - Quote from "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin New York - Library Walk - Quote from "Sesame and Lilies" by John Ruskin New York - Library Walk - Quote from "Discourse on the Method" by René Descartes New York - Library Walk - Quote from Elwyn Brooks White’s letter to James Thurber New York - Library Walk - Quote from Virginia Woolf’s "Leaning Tower" New York - Library Walk - The first verse from John Greenleaf Whittier’s song "Proem" New York - Library Walk - "Why some people be mad at me sometimes" a song by Lucille Clifton New York - Library Walk - Quote from "Picasso on Art: A Selection of Views" by Pablo Picasso New York - Library Walk - "1212" a song by Emily Dickinson New York - Library Walk - Quote from John Milton’s speech - Areopagitica New York - Library Walk - Two verses from Yeats’ Poem "When You are Old" New York - Library Walk - A verse from Gwendolyn Brooks’ song "Song of Winnie" New York - Library Walk -A verse from Wallace Stevens’ song "13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" New York - Library Walk - A quote from Garson Kanin’s play "Born Yesterday" New York - Library Walk - A quote from Isak Dinesen’s book "Shadows on the Grass" New York - Library Walk -Richard Eberhart’s poet "Reading Room: The New York Public Library" New York - Library Walk - Quote from "Old Newsman Writes" by Ernest Hemingway New York - Library Walk - Langston Hughes song: Words Like Freedom New York - Library Walk - A quote from Francis Bacon’s book "Of Studies" New York - Library Walk - A quote from Alfred Kazin’s book "New York Jew" New York - Library Walk - A quote from Mark Twain’s book "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’" New York - Library Walk -A verse from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s song "The Day is Done" New York - Library Walk - A quote from Tom Stoppard’s play "Night and Day" New York - Library Walk - Excerpts from the song "Library Scene" by Robert Pinski New York - Library Walk - Quote from the book "Through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carroll New York - Library Walk - William Carlos Williams song: Poem New York - Library Walk - Quote from Muriel Rukeyser’s Poem: The Speed of Darkness New York - Library Walk - Quote from "The Plague" by Albert Camus New York - Library Walk - Excerpt from "In My Craft or Sullen Art" by Dylan Thomas New York - Library Walk - Quote from the book "O Pioneers!" by Willa Cather New York - Library Walk - Quote from "The Mind is an Enchanting Thing" by Marianne Moore New York - Library Walk - Quote from "33" by Julia Alvarez New York - Library Walk - Quote from "The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail" by Lawrence and Lee New York - Library Walk-Quote from Gertrude Stein’s book "The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas" New York - Library Walk-Quote from Thomas Jefferson’s letter to Yancy freedom of the press New York - Library Walk - Quote from Samuel Beckett’s play "Waiting for Godot" New York - Library Walk - Quote from the book Walden by Henry David Thoreau Holon - Story Garden - A story from the heart Holon - Story Garden - The treasure of Chambalo London - Baker Street Subway Station - Interior of the station (6) London - Baker Street Subway Station - Interior of the station (7) London - Baker Street Subway Station - Interior of the station (8) London - Sherlock Holmes statue London - 221B Baker Street, the place of residence and work of Sherlock Holmes Ein Gedi - Children, watch out for the baobabs! Jerusalem - A tour following the book "Someone to Run With" - Zion Square Jerusalem - Beit HaKerem - Bialik Playground Philadelphia - Shakespeare Memorial New York - Chelsea Hotel - Poet Brendan Behan London - Supreme Court poem Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - Ohlone song Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - Yana song Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - Chinese immigrant poet Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - Triolet of Jack London Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - Acknowledgements Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - Patrons Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Black Vulture" a song by George Sterling Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Carmel Point" a song by Robinson Jeffers Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Lovers" a song by Witter Bynner Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Drinking Alone With The Moon" a song by Li Bai Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Moment" a song by Hildegarde Flanner Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Time Out" a song by Genevieve Taggard Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Andrée Rexroth" a song by Kenneth Rexroth Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Summer, The Sacramento" a song by Muriel Rukeyser Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Reason" a song by Josephine Miles Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Copa De Oro (The California Poppy)" a song by Ina Coolbrith Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Winter Ploughing" a song by William Everson Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Structure of Rime II" a song by Robert Duncan Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "A Textbook of Poetry, 21" a song by Jack Spicer Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Cups #5" a song by Robin Blaser Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Pre-teen Trot" a song by Helen Adam Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "A Strange new Cottage in Berkeley" a song by Allen Ginsberg Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Plum Blossom Poem" a song by Gary Snyder Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Song" a song by Michael McClure Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk -Parachutes, My Love, Could Carry Us... a song by Barbara Guest Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "from Cold Mountain Poems" a song by Han-shan Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "untitled" a song by Larry Eigner Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "from Notebook" a song by Denise Levertov Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Untitled" a song by Osip Mandelstam Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Dying In" a song by Peter Dale Scott Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Night Piece" a song by Thom Gunn Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "There Are Many Pathways to the Garden"  by Phillip Lamantia Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Tempest"  a song by William Shakespea Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Prologue to Epicoene"  a play by Ben Jonson Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "from Our Town"  a play by Thornton Wilder Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Good Woman of Czechwan"  a play by Bertolt Brecht Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "One"  a song by John Roberts Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide"  Ntosake Shange Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Hydriotaphia"  a play by Thomas Browne Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Spring Harvest of Snow Peas"  a song by Maxine Hong Kingston Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "In my eyes he matches the gods"  a song by Sappho Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Child on the Shore"  a song by Ursula Le Guin Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Postscript"  a song by Seamus Heaney Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Mendocino Memory"  a song by June Jordan Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The erosion of rocks blooms"  a song by Lyn Hejinian Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Song"  a song by Robert Hass Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Encounter"  a song by Czeslaw Milosz Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Keep me"  a song by Malka Heifetz Tussman Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Reassurance"  a song by Alice Walker Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Panther"  a song by Rainer Maria Rilke Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Afternoon Walk: The Sea Ranch"  a song by Sandra M. Gilbert Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Want Bone"  a song by Robert Pinsky Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Siv, with Ocean (Pacific)"  a song by Ron Loewinsohn Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "For Jack Spicer"  a song by David Meltzer Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - from It’S Go In Quiet ... a song by Leslie Scalapino Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Hermetic Song, IV" a song by Michael Palmer Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Left Eye" a song by Brenda Hillman Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Positions of The Body, VIII" a song by Carol Snow Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Untitled" a song by Stephen Ratcliffe Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Corrido Blanco" a song by Alfred Arteaga Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Premonition" a song by Lucha Corpi Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Fennel" a song by Opal Palmer Adisa Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Impossible Poem" a song by George Oppen Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "A Gift" a song by Jack Marshall Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Knowledge" a song by Jesse Michaels and Tim Armstrong Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "I-feel-like-I’m Fixin-to-die-rag" a song by Joe McDonald Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "This World" a song by Malvina Reynolds Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Check Yourself" a song by Lowell Fulson Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "My Darling Clementine" a song by Percy Montrose Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "O Blanca Virgen" Ballad from Mexican California Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Amazing Grace" a song by Edward Smallfield Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Holy Body" a song by Susan Griffin Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Who I Am In Twilight" a song by Al Young Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Caffe Mediterraneum" a song by John Oliver Simon Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Box" a song by Mark Turpin Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Morning Minyan" a song by Marcia Falk Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Saturday at the Canal" a song by Gary Soto Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Because We Need Good Maps" a song by Forrest Hamer Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The World" a song by Alice Jones Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Judy Comes to Visit" a song by Alta Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Skeleton’s Defense of Carnality" a song by Jack Foley Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Detroit Annie, Hitchhiking" a song by Judy Grahn Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Audience" a song by Richard Silberg Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "In the New World" a song by Florence Elon Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Piano Man" a song by Joyce Jenkins Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "First Light" a song by Jim Powell Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "The Cell" a song by Lucille Lang Day

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2019-2024

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