Various signs
The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

There are 3957 signs whose placement is Wall or fence:       Show on map Thumbnails mode

3876 London - The place where Chelsea china was made and writer Tobias Smollett lived
16 Lawrence St, London SW3 5NE, UK
3877 Merhavia - Heritage Sites in Israel - Kibbutz Artzi Headquarters
Kibbutz Merhavya, Merhavia (Kibbutz), Israel
3878 Merhavia - Heritage Sites in Israel - The Great Courtyard
Derech HaOren, Merhavia (Kibbutz), Israel
3879 Tel Aviv - Memorial to those murdered in the terrorist attack at the Dolphinarium Club
Shlomo Lahat Promenade 20, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
3880 Merhavia - Heritage Sites in Israel - The Big House
Derech HaOren, Merhavia (Kibbutz), Israel
3881 Merhavia - Heritage Sites in Israel - The Water Tower
Mish’ol ha-Dekel 1, Merhavia, Israel
3882 Merhavia - Heritage Sites in Israel - The secretariat of the Cooperative
Mish’ol ha-Dekel 1, Merhavia, Israel
3883 Merhavia - Heritage Sites in Israel - Mud House
Mish’ol ha-Dekel 1, Merhavia, Israel
3884 Merhavia - Heritage Sites in Israel - The Radio Station of the "Haganah"
Mish’ol ha-Dekel 1, Merhavia, Israel
3885 Merhavia - Heritage Sites in Israel - Golda’s Room
Mish’ol ha-Dekel 1, Merhavia, Israel
3886 Mehravia-Commemorative plaque at the place where Tsilka Man was killed in the Independence War
Mish’ol ha-Dekel 1, Merhavia, Israel
3887 London - Commemorative plaque in the house where thethe musician Bob Marley lived
42 Oakley St, London SW3 5HF, UK
3888 Merhavia - Heritage Sites in Israel - The Granary
Derech HaOren, Merhavia (Kibbutz), Israel
3889 Mehravia - photo - Settlers of the Cooperative
Derech HaOren, Merhavia (Kibbutz), Israel
3890 London - commemorative plaque in the house where the poet Jane Wilde lived
87 Oakley St, London SW3 5NP, UK
3891 Merhavia - Heritage Sites in Israel - Founders’ Hut
Derech HaOren, Merhavia (Kibbutz), Israel
3892 London - "Awakening" outdoor sculpture by Gilbert Ledward
Ropers Gardens, 15 Ropers Orchard, Danvers St, London SW3 5AX, UK
3893 Merhavia - The Ingel
Derech HaOren, Merhavia (Kibbutz), Israel
3894 London - Commemorative plaque in St Augustine’s Church to those who fell in the First World War
HTB, Queen’s Gate, South Kensington, London SW7 5LP, UK
3895 London - Commemorative plaque in the house where the sculptor Charles Wheeler lived
49 Old Church St, London SW3 5BS, UK
3896 Beit Dagan - the entrance sign to the settlement
Sderot Menachem Begin 1, Beit Dagan, Israel
3897 Beit Dagan - a monument in memory of the local people who fell in Israel’s wars
Ha-Banim St 13, Beit Dagan, Israel
3898 Rishon LeZion - The Garden of Leadership and Leaders - Benjamin Ze’ev Herzl
abotinsky St 118, Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel
3899 Rishon LeZion - The Garden of Leadership and Leaders - David Ben-Gurion
Jabotinsky St 116, Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel
3900 London - Battersea Bridge
91 Cheyne Walk, London SW10 0DQ, UK

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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