Born in Mogilev, Belarus (1877-1952), he immigrated to Israel in 1921. He studied architecture in Saint Petersburg where he also designed several houses. An architect who designed many of Tel Aviv’s houses in the 1920s and 1930s. Many of the works were carried out under the Berlin-Pasovsky partnership, when Joseph Berlin designed the buildings and engineer Richard Pasovsky was in charge of the construction process itself. Together with Pasovsky, he founded the Association of Engineers and Architects in Palestine. Later, his son - Zeev Berlin - who co-signed many homes, also joined the office. One of the well-known and beautiful buildings designed by the Berlin-Pasovsky duo is the Berlin-Pasovsky house, also called the "Twin House" on 9 Mazeh Street, Tel Aviv, the house has no entry on the site because no suitable sign was found Click for a larger image
The buildings in the site designed by Joseph Berlin