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Sign: Noto - World Heritage Site - Church of Santa Chiara

Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 118B, 96017 Noto SR, Italy

On the sign:
[logo of Late Baroque Cities of the Val di Noto]
Città Tardo Barocche del Val di Noto

[UNESCO logo]
Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l’Educazioner la Scienza e la Cultura

[World Heritage Sites logo]
Città Tardo Barocche del Val di Noto I
scritte nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dal 2002
[inscribed on the World Heritage List since 2002]




Dedicata ufficialmente a S. Maria Assunta, la chiesa fu progettata da Rosario Gagliardi nella prima metà del XVIII secolo; essa ha un prospetto a torre rettangolare, con l’originario ingresso sopraelevato a causa di un abbassamento del livello stradale avvenuto nel XIX secolo. L’interno, a pianta ellittica, conserva una statua marmorea della Madonna col Bambino (XVI sec.), attribuita ad Antonello Gagini e proveniente da Noto antica.
Per i suoi decori è considerata uno dei maggiori gioielli barocchi.


Officially dedicated to S. Maria Assunta, the church was designed by Rosario Gagliardi in the first half of the 18th century; it has a rectangular tower façade, with the original entrance now raised due to a lowering of the street level in the 19th century.
The interior, with an elliptical plan, preserves a marble statue of the Madonna and Child (16th century), attributed to Antonello Gagini and coming from the ancient Noto.
For its decorations it is considered one of the greatest baroque monuments.

QR code - Late Baroque Cities - UNESCO World Heritage Site

Assessorato dei Beni culturali e dell’Identità siciliana Dipartimento dei Beni culturali e dell’identità siciliana


Progetto finanziato a valere sui fondi Legge 20 febbraio 2006, n. 77
"Misure speciali di tutela e fruizione dei siti e degli elementi italiani di interesse culturale, paesaggistico e ambientale, inseriti nella "Lista del patrimonio mondiale", posti sotto la tutela dell’UNESCO"
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The city of Noto and several other cities in the Val di Noto region (southeast Sicily), were recognized as a World Heritage Site in 2002 mainly because of the late Baroque style that characterizes many of their sites.

The church dedicated to the Assumption of Mary was built in the second half of the 18th century and designed by Rosario Gagliardi. The church is one of the most spectacular examples of Baroque architecture.

The church was photographed that day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

A sign indicating the location of the church and the year it was founded was photographed that day by the same photographer
del Santa Chiara
Anno 1748 - R. Gagliardi
Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
[bottom of the sign]
Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity


Project financed by Law 20 February 2006, n. 77
"Special measures for the protection and enjoyment of Italian sites and elements of cultural, landscape and environmental interest, included in the "World Heritage List", placed under the protection of UNESCO"

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2019-2024

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - The site and its content are copyright protected. The full copyrights of the site's content belong to Eli Zvuluny. All images in the site (unless another photographer is mentioned) were taken by Eli Zvuluny that has the full copyrights on them. The use of any images or other materials included herein, in whole or part, for any purpose is expressly prohibited without the written permission of Eli Zvuluny. .