Various signs
The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

There are 18 signs in the city Perugia:       Show on map List mode

Perugia - Porta Sole Fortress Perugia - Porta Santa Susanna district Perugia - commemorative sign for Leopold Pellas who fell in the First World War Perugia - the landmark of the ancient road that passed through this place Perugia - commemorative plaque to Eglo Tenerini where he was killed Perugia - commemorative plaque for the democrats who were victims of the Fascist Squadrismo Perugia - Monument to King Vittorio Emanuele II Perugia - Commemorative plaque for statesman and poet Felice Cavallotti Perugia - commemorative plaque for the geographer and statesman Cesare Battisti Perugia - Augustus Gate Perugia - Commemorative plaque for Bishop Andrew of Perugia Perugia - a plaque commemorating the liberation of Perugia from the rule of the Church Perugia - Sant’Antonio gate Perugia - commemorative plaque for the engineer Sisto Mastrodicasa Perugia - commemorative sign for the Umbrians who died in the Nazi concentration camps Perugia - Commemorative plaque for Cesare Fani who was Italy’s Minister of Justice Perugia - Via Maestà delle Volte Perugia - Madonnina - Saint Mary - ceramic work by Germano Belletti

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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