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Sign: Zafferana Etnea - the first altar to Our Lady of Mercy

Via Libertà, 1, 95019 Zafferana Etnea CT, Italy

On the sign:

Il primo altarino, dedicato alla Madonna delle Grazie. venne costruito quando ancora la strada non essiteva, nel torrente sottostante. Qui si trovava una piccola abitazione di un mendicante, che, per guadagnarşi de vivere vendeva l’acqua alle famiglie, non essendoci allora alcuna rete idrica.
Un giorno, durante una piena, il mendicani venne trascinato dalle acque impaurito, pregò la Madonna ed improvvisamente si senti afferrato dai capelli e trascinato verso un masso dove credette di scorgere il profilo della Madonna.
Con la costruzione della strada attuale, la famiglia Marano allora proprietaria del Parco Comunale (Villa Anna) offri lo spazio per costruire questo nuovo altarino all’interno del quale è stata riportata la pietra che salvo il mendicante.
Ogni anno, il due luglio, in occasione della festa della Madonna delle Grazie viene qui celebrata una Santa Messa
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The first altar in the city dedicated to Our Lady of Mercy (Mary, mother of Jesus). The sign describes the story of the miracle she performed for a beggar from the city.

The place was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:

The first altar, dedicated to the Madonna delle Grazie, was built when the road did not yet exist, in the stream below. Here there was a small house of a beggar, who, to earn a living, sold water to families, since there was no water network at the time.
One day, during a flood, the beggar was dragged by the waters in fear, he prayed to the Madonna and suddenly felt himself grabbed by the hair and dragged towards a rock where he thought he saw the profile of the Madonna.
With the construction of the current road, the Marano family, then owners of the Municipal Park (Villa Anna), offered the space to build this new altar inside which the stone that saved the beggar was brought back.
Every year, on the second of July, on the occasion of the feast of the Madonna delle Grazie, a Holy Mass is celebrated here

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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