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Sign: Zafferana Etnea - Church of Santa Maria della Provvidenza

Via Roma, 317, 95019 Zafferana Etnea CT, Italy
Click here for a map that contains other items in the area

On the sign:
[Emblem of Zafferana Etnea]

[Italian flag]
Chiesa Madre Santa Maria della Provvidenza
La costruzione della chiesa madre iniziò nel 1731.
I primi lavori di ampliamento vennero effettuati tra il 1768 e il 1818.
Gravemente danneggiata a causa del terremoto del 20 Febbraio 1818, venne ricostruita nella forma attuale.
La facciata, con le sue torri campanarie che richiamano lo stile dei campanili di Piazza Navona a Roma, venne ultimata agli inizi del 1900, su progetto dell’Architetto Sciuto Patti.
Resa inagibile a causa del terremoto del 19 ottobre 1984, dopo il suo restauro venne riaperta al culto il 30 ottobre 1997.
All’interno della chiesa si può ammirare il noto quadro del pittore Giuseppe Sciuti "San Giuseppe col Bambino".
La scala di pietra lavica, antistante la Chiesa, risale al 1863.

[UK flag]
The construction of the mother church began in 1731.
The first enlargement works were carried out between 1768 and 1818.
Severely damaged by the earthquake on 20th February, 1818, it was rebuilt in its present form.
The facade, with its bell towers that recall the style of the bell towers of Piazza Navona in Rome, was completed in early 1900, on the project of the Architect Sciuto Patti.
With the earthquake of 19th October, 1984, it was considered condemned but after its restoration it was reopened for worship on 30th October 1997.
Inside the church you can admire the famous painting of the painter Giuseppe Sciuti "St. Joseph with the Child".
The lava stone staircase, in front of the church, dates back to 1863.


Intervento finanziato dall’Unione Europea con fondi P.O. FESR 2007 - 2013 - Linea di intervento

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The sign is in front of the Catholic Church - Church of Santa Maria della Providence, which is the main church of Zafferana Etnea. The staircase of the church is made of lava stones, as can be seen in the photograph taken on the same day Click for a larger image

As described on the sign, the building of the church began in 1731, the church was destroyed several times mainly due to earthquakes, the current building is from 1928.

In the next photo taken that day you can see the sign in its entirety Click for a larger image

Events from the life of the city and Christianity are displayed on the church doors:
On the central door: the procession at the eruption of Mount Etna in 1792, the life of the monks from the church of San Giacomo, and scenes from the New Testament Click for a larger image
and on the side doors events from the life of Jesus (the last supper and more) Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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