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Sign: Iceland - Dettifoss Falls - Warnings for travelers

Þingeyjarsveit, Iceland
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On the sign:
Logo of Vatnajökull National Park

Üðinn frá fossinum fer yfir á vesturbakka árinnar, yfir útsýnisstað og göngustiga. Það er þvi oft mjög mikil bleyta nálægt fossinum, stígar geta verið sleipir og varasamir. Gljúfurbarmar eru viða sprungnir og lausir í sér. Gangið ekki of nærri brúninni.

Vinsamlegast fylgið merktum gönguleiðum.

Að vetrarlagi og í miklum frosthörkum geta myndast miklir svellbunkar nálægt fossinum og fólki ekki ráðlagt að fara alveg að gljúfurbrún.

The spray from the waterfall goes mostly to the west bank of the river, over stone platforms and hiking trails. The area close to the waterfall is often very wet; paths can be slippery and hazardous.
Beware of cracks in the cliff overlooking the waterfall. The rock is loose in some places and may fall down. Do not stand close to the cliff edge.

Please follow marked hiking trails.

During winter time and frosty periods heavy piles of ice can form and visitors should not go close to the rim of the canyon.
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Dettifoss Falls, are part of the Vatnajökull National Park (World Heritage Site) and are the waterfalls with the second strongest current in all of Europe.

The falls were photographed on the same day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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