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Sign-O-Pedia: Sculpture Garden

About the tag


Sculpture garden is a place usually in the public space where there are many sculptures.
Sculpture gardens are in many cases near museums, when the sculptures are part of the museum’s collection , in other cases the sculpture gardens are an initiative of a local authority whose goal is to upgrade the environment, such as the sculpture garden named after Yoav Dagon located on a central street in Ramat Hasharon .
Sometimes the sculpture gardens include works by only one artist, such as the Abu Nabot Garden in Tel Aviv dedicated to the sculptures of Igael Tumarkin

Sculpture gardens on site

Tel Aviv Museum of Art
The Lola Bar Avner Sculpture Garden (Tel Aviv Museum)
Gan Abu Nabot in Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv University - Sculpture Garden named after Levi and Fortuna Ashkenazi
Yona Wallach Sculpture Garden - Kiryat Ono
Yoav Dagon Sculpture Garden - Ramat Hasharon
The sculpture garden named after Topor - "Sheba" hospital Tel Hashomer
Woman Garden - Holon
The national park in Ramat Gan - the sculptures of the artist Menashe Kadishman
Reichman University - Herzliya
Gan Remez - Beer Sheva
Igael Tumarkin Sculpture garden in Holon

The places on the site that refer to the term Sculpture Garden (1-25  of 143)
1 Tel Aviv - "Big Suspense" - Outdoor sculpture by Menashe Kadishman
2 Tel Aviv - "Boat" - Outdoor sculpture by Emanuel Hatzofe
3 Tel Aviv - Tomarkin sculptures at Abu Nabot Park
4 Tel Aviv - "Troubles in the Square" - Outdoor sculpture by Zadok Ben-David
5 Tel Aviv University - "Solar stairs" - Outdoor sculpture by Gio Pomodoro
6 Tel Aviv - "Two Forms" - Outdoor sculpture by Barbara Hepworth
7 Tel Aviv - "Mosquito" - Outdoor sculpture by Buky Schwartz
8 Tel Aviv - "Reclining Figure" - Outdoor sculpture by Henry Moore
9 Tel Aviv - "Sacrifice of Issac" - Outdoor sculpture by Menashe Kadishman
10 Tel Aviv - "Totem" - Outdoor sculpture by Yigael Tumarkin
11 Tel Aviv - "Blocked Well and Fossilized Lily 1" - Outdoor sculpture by Yaacov Dorchin
12 Tel Aviv - "Parchments" - Outdoor sculpture by Dina Recanati
13 Kiryat Ono - "Yona Wallach" - outdoor sculpture by Orna Ben Ami
14 Ramat Hasharon - The Yoav Dagon Sculpture Garden
15 Ramat Hasharon - Sculpture Garden - A Tribute to "Inferno" - outdoor sculpture - Doron Bar-Adon
16 Ramat Hasharon - Sculpture Garden - Personal - outdoor sculpture by Orna Ben-Ami
17 Tel Hashomer Hospital - Sculpture Garden - "On the fence" Edna Benes outdoor sculpture
18 Tel Hashomer Hospital - Sculpture Garden
19 Ramat Hasharon - Sculpture Garden - Galactic Activity - outdoor sculpture by Bernie Fink
20 Ramat Hasharon - Sculpture Garden - Motherland - outdoor sculpture by Menashe Kadishman
21 Ramat Hasharon - Sculpture Garden - Yellow-Homage to Goya - outdoor sculpture by Igael Tumarkin
22 Tel Hashomer Hospital- Sculpture Garden - "A tree in the wind" Irit Segal Israeli sculpture
23 Tel Hashomer Hospital- Sculpture Garden - "Double" Igor Brown outdoor sculpture
24 Ramat Hasharon - Sculpture Garden - "Tooth" Outdoor sculpture by Yaacov Dorchin
25 Ramat Hasharon - Sculpture Garden - "Column" Outdoor sculpture by Dina Recanati
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