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Sign: Ragusa - a plaque commemorating the "Sicilian General" the founder of the city of Cairo

Corso Mazzini, 23, 97100 Ragusa RG, Italy
Click here for a map that contains other items in the area

On the sign:

Figlio di Abd Allah, di professione dolciere, secondo la tradizione nacque in queste terre nell’anno 911: nel 953, all’età di 42 anni, fu nominato Segretario dell’Imam al-Mu’izz li-din Allah (il Glorificatore della Religione di Allah) e messo alla testa del suo esercito in partenza dalla Tunisia, a quel tempo facente parte, insieme alla Sicilia, del regno dei Fatimidi, discendenti diretti di Fatima, figlia del Profeta Maometto.

Dal 959 al 968 l’armata guidata da al-Siqilli conquistò l’intero Nordafrica fino all’Egitto, ed il giorno 9 luglio dell’anno 969 (corrispondente al 358 dell’Egira), presso l’antica città di al-Fustat (dal termine militare romano "Fossatum"), Jawhar procedette alla fondazione di al-Qahira ("la Vittoriosa") ed alla costruzione del suo castello.

Nel 970 al-Siqilli iniziò l’edificazione della Moschea di al-Azhar ("la Luminosa") con l’Università teologica che sarebbe diventata la più importante dell’Islam, inaugurata il 30 ottobre 971.

Il 10 giugno 973 il Califfo al-Mu’izz trasferi la sua capitale alla nuova città, denominata "al-Medina-t al-Qahira", cioè la città del Trionfatore, dal pianeta Marte la cui influenza sull’ora designata per la posa della prima pietra era stata stabilita dagli Astronomi celebranti il rito.

Dopo aver proceduto alla vittoriosa conquista di ulteriori territori fino alla Siria, tutti aggregati all’Impero Fatimide, Jawhar mori nella sua città il 28 gennaio 992 e fu sepolto nel lato nord della Moschea da lui fondata.

La vita e le imprese di Jawhar al-Siqilli sono il simbolo della "FRATELLANZA STORICA" che lega i nostri Popoli attraverso il Mediterraneo, il mare che non ci separa ma ci unisce.

Per memoria del 1050° Anniversario della Fondazione (a cura della "S.I.B. Fondazione Benedetti") Peppe Cassi, Sindaco di Ragusa Hisham Badr, Ambasciatore della Repubblica Araba di Egitto in Italia

دار میلاد جوهر الصقلي القديمة

هنا، في عام 911 ولد إبن عبد الله، ومهنته حلواني تم تعيينه في عام 953 بعد أن أتم عامه الثاني والأربعين أميناً لأسرار الإمام المعز لدين الله. وترأس جيشه الذي خرج من تونس، التي كانت في ذلك الوقت جنباً إلى جنب مع صقلية، جزءاً من مملكة الفاطميين الأحفاد المباشرين الفاطمة. ابنة النبي محمد

وفي الفترة من عام 959 إلى عام 968 ، سيطر الجيش الذي يقوده الصقلي على شمال إفريقيا بأكمله حتى بلغ مصر، وفي 9 يوليو من عام 969 الموافق 358 من الهجرة) شرع جوهر في تأسيس القاهرة (المنصورة ) وفى بناء قلعته بالقرب من مدينة الفسطاط القديمة (من المصطلح العسكرى الروماني "فوساتوم" وتعنى الخندق).

في عام 970 بدأ الصقلي بناء الجامع الأزهر مع الجامعة اللاهوتية التي ستصبح فيما بعد أهم جامعة إسلامية، وقد تم إفتتاحه في 30 أكتوبر عام 971

في 10 يونيو 973 ، قام الخليفة المعز ينقل عاصمته إلى المدينة الجديدة. والتي سميت "المدينة القاهرة" ، نسبة لظهور كوكب المريخ وتأثيره على الساعة التي حددها علماء الفلك للإحتفال بطقس وضع حجر أساس المدينة.

بعد أن أتم غزواته وانتصاراته فى فتح أقاليم جديدة حتى وصل إلى سوريا . وهي الأراضي التي خضعت جميعها لسيطرة الإمبراطورية الفاطمية، توفي جوهر في مدينته في 28 يناير 992 ودفن على الجانب الشمالي من المسجد الذي أسسه.

إن حياة وجولات جوهر الصقلي أضحت رمزاً للإخوة التاريخية" التي تربط شعوبنا عبر البحر المتوسط ، فهو بحر لا يفصل بيننا وإنما يوحد بين شعوبنا.

في ذكرى مرور 1050 عاماً على تأسيس القاهرة

برعاية مؤسسة "سيب بينيديتي ")

بيتي كاسى عمدة مدينة راجوزا (إيبلا (القديمة)

هشام بدر سفير جمهورية مصر العربية في إيطاليا

[bottom sign]
in data 13 Luglio 2019
viene affissa la presente targa con la straordinaria presenza del Governatore di Alexandria d’Egitto
Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa

2019 في 13 يوليو بحضور
السيد/ أ. د. عبد العزيز قنصوه
محافظ الإسكندرية بجمهورية مصر العربية
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The plaque is on the wall of the house where Al-Qaid Jawhar ibn Abdallah was born, who was called "the Sicilian general" (911-992), born in the city of Ragusa, an Arab general of Sicilian origin who conquered North Africa on behalf of the Fatimid dynasty. He is also considered the founder of the city of Cairo (year 969), and the founder of the Al-Azhar Mosque.

The sign was placed in 2019 on the 1050th anniversary of the founding of Cairo.

The house was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image

The text on the sign is written in Italian and Arabic

Translation of the text on the sign:

Son of Abd Allah, a confectioner by profession, according to tradition he was born in these lands in the year 911: in 953, at the age of 42, he was appointed Secretary of the Imam al-Mu’izz li-din Allah (the Glorifier of the Religion of Allah) and placed at the head of his army departing from Tunisia, at that time part, together with Sicily, of the kingdom of the Fatimids, direct descendants of Fatima, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.

From 959 to 968, the army led by al-Siqilli conquered the whole of North Africa up to Egypt, and on July 9 of the year 969 (corresponding to 358 of the Hegira), near the ancient city of al-Fustat (from the Roman military term "Fossatum"), Jawhar proceeded to found al-Qahira ("the Victorious") and to build its castle.

In 970 al-Siqilli began the construction of the Mosque of al-Azhar ("the Bright") with the theological University that would become the most important in Islam, inaugurated on October 30, 971.

On June 10, 973, the Caliph al-Mu’izz transferred his capital to the new city, called "al-Medina-t al-Qahira", that is, the city of the Triumphant, from the planet Mars whose influence on the time designated for the laying of the foundation stone had been established by the Astronomers celebrating the rite.

After having proceeded to the victorious conquest of further territories up to Syria, all aggregated to the Fatimid Empire, Jawhar died in his city on January 28, 992 and was buried on the north side of the Mosque he founded.

The life and deeds of Jawhar al-Siqilli are the symbol of the "HISTORICAL BROTHERHOOD" that binds our Peoples through the Mediterranean, the sea that does not separate us but unites us.

In memory of the 1050th Anniversary of the Foundation (curated by the "S.I.B. Fondazione Benedetti") Peppe Cassi, Mayor of Ragusa Hisham Badr, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Italy

[bottom sign]
2019 on July 13 in the presence of
Mr./ Prof. Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa
Governor of Alexandria in the Arab Republic of Egypt

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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