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Sign: Ragusa - World Heritage Site - Cosentini Palace

Corso Mazzini, 266, 97100 Ragusa RG, Italy
Click here for a map that contains other items in the area

On the sign:
[Emblem of Ragusa]
[UNESCO logo]

[World Heritage Sites logo]



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1. Open a Qr Code reader
2. Frame the code with the camera
3. The software reads your code
4. See the content of the code If you don’t have the sotware to reads Qr Code, free download from your market the app I-nigma

Clicca e Leggi
1. Apri un Qr Code reader
2. Inquadra il codice con la fotocamera
3. Il software riconosce il codice
4. Vedi il contenuto del codice
Se non hai il software per leggere i Qr Code, scarica gratuitamente dal tuo market rapp I-nigma


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The city of Ragusa and several other cities in the Val di Noto region (southeast Sicily), were recognized as a World Heritage Site in 2002 mainly because of the late Baroque style that characterizes many of their sites.

The palace was built at the end of the 18th century (1779) for Baron Raffaele Cosentini. What sets the building apart are the many sculptures integrated into it, in the walls and even under the balconies.

The palace was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

In the next photos, which were also taken on the same day, you can clearly see the different sculptures Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

The QR code points to an address that does not exist.

The number that appears on the sign (5) is a number that appears on all signs in the city (maps, direction signs), and indicates this church Click for sign's details

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2019-2024

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