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On the sign:
En aquesta casa sestiqueren frequentment durant el seu viatge a Eivissa Rafael Alberti María Teresa León. Pertanyia al seu amic Just Tur Puget.
"La Vila de viviendas palaciegas, donde vivia mi amigo Justo Tur, en una casa de ajimeces..." Maria Teresa León.
Homenatge a Rafael Alberti, Eivissa, 30 dabril de 2003
The Spanish writer María Teresa León (1903-1988), and her husband the Spanish poet Rafael Alberti Merello (1902-1999) stayed in this house that belonged to their friend during their stay in Ibiza.
Translation of the text on the sign: Rafael Alberti María Teresa León often stayed in this house during their trip to Ibiza. It belonged to his friend Just Tur Puget.
"The Villa of palatial houses, where my friend Justo Tur lived, in a house of ajimeces..." Maria Teresa León.