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On the sign:
USU VETERA NOVA La construction urbaine à Blois commence à s’essouffler à partir des années 1530, lorsque François ler décide de transférer le lieu du pouvoir à Paris. La demeure 1 rue Pierre de Blois, du 13e siècle, témoigne cependant de remaniements sous le règne d’Henri II. La porte d’entrée, encadrée de pilastres, est surmontée d’une devise latine sculptée pouvant se traduire "Le vieux devient neuf par l’usage qu’on en faita" ou"avec le temps; a le vieux devient neuf" La maison médiévale est devenue une demeure Renaissance.
Urban building in Blois suffered a setback in the 1530s when Francis I decided to transfer the seat of power to Paris. The 13th-century residence at 1 Rue Pierre de Blois, however, serves as a reminder of the alterations undertaken in the reign of Henry II. The doorway flanked by pilasters is topped by a carved Latin motto that can be translated as "The old becomes new by the use made of it" or "With time, the old becomes new". This was a mediaeval house given a Renaissance facelift.
[Emblem of the Blois Municipality] [Logo of Les directions régionales des affaires culturelles] [old logo of Villes et Pays d’art et d’histoire]
The address on the gate of the house appears enlarged here (the explanation of the address appears in the last paragraph of the sign) USU VETERA NOVA Click for a larger image
Another sign next to this sign indicates the factors that contributed to the restoration of the house’s door: Les "Amis du vieux Blois" ont assuré la restauration de la porte
USU VETERA NOVA grâce à un don de la famille Thomas-Simon Avril 2012
[translation] The “Friends of Old Blois” ensured the restoration of the door
USU VETERA NOVA thanks to a donation from the Thomas-Simon family April 2012 Click for a larger image