The monument was photographed on the same day
Click for a larger image On the side of the monument there is a sign with the prayer of remembrance on it
will remember
The people of Israel will remember their sons and daughters, the loyal and brave, the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, and all the underground fighters and the fighting brigades in the wars, and all the members of the intelligence communities, the security, the police and the prison service who sacrificed their lives in the war for the establishment of Israel, and all those who were murdered in Israel and abroad by murderers from terror organizations.
Let Israel be remembered and be blessed with its seed and mourn for its lost souls and the lust for heroism and the holiness of the will and the dedication of the soul of those who perished in the heavy battle.
There will be martyrs of Israel’s systems, crowned with victory, sealed in the heart of Israel for generation after generation.
Click for a larger image Translation of the text on the sign:
[Jerusalem Brigade Badge]
Jerusalem Brigade
Daniel Assyrian
Eliyahu Guetta
Gideon HaBatz
Yehoshua Walzer
Robert Haddad
Moshe Cohen
Pierre Netaf
Yoram Pleisig
Moshe Shuval
Albert Shukron
Menachem Sharaga
To the martyrs of the brigade who fell in the Six Day War in the battle for the occupation of the bell post in the village of Zur-Bacher and the liberation of the southern entrances of Jerusalem and led to the unification of the city
Jerusalem, Iyer 1967
Performed by: Ministry of Defense
Commemoration and Heritage Families Division
The unit for commemorating the soldier
To mark the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War
June 2017
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