Notice the Bravdo winery symbol that adorns the bottom of the frame of the sign
In the next photo taken that day by the same photographer you can see the vineyard and the sign in front of it
Click for a larger image Translation of the text on the sign:
Zvi Vineyard This vineyard belongs to the Shusiov family, veteran winemakers and owners of the Bravdo winery. Bravdo Winery is a family boutique winery, located in the heart of its vineyards. The winery has been producing quality wines since its establishment in 2001
Meaning of the name:
In the name of Zvi Shusiov (Tzviela) 20.8.1926 - 18.4.2017 A farmer by birth, who planted and established the family vineyards. At the age of 16, Zvi was orphaned by his father David and forced to take on the role of head of the family. Over the years Tzvialia expanded the family vineyards. For him the house was the vineyard. He would get there every morning before sunrise and from there, from the ground, from the contact with the vines, he drew his strength. In 2017, Zvi passed away, leaving behind a tradition of human love, and love of the land.
Turning: Northwest
Annual precipitation average: about 520 mm
Soil: Heavy, limestone clay and alluvium at the edge of the plot near the wadi.
Varieties: Malbec - Planting 2016 (4 dunams)
Marslan - Planting 2016 (10 dunams)
Replanting area Replanting area (55 dunams)
Experimental planting vineyard 2019 (one dunam)
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