Notice the Bravdo winery symbol that adorns the bottom of the frame of the sign
Translation of the text on the sign:
Gezer Plate Vineyard This vineyard belongs to the Shusiov family, veteran winemakers and owners of the Bravdo winery.
Bravdo Winery is a family boutique winery, located in the heart of vineyards. The winery has been producing quality wines since its establishment in 2001.
Meaning of the name:
"Gezer Plate Vineyard" Gezer board is located in Tel Gezer and is considered the earliest Hebrew text dating to the 11th century BC. The table describes the agricultural seasons throughout the year, with the months of Tammuz and Av depicting two months on the grape axis. The vineyard is named after the plaque because the family is a long chain of farmers who grow grapes, who produced wine at the site during the reign of Solomon, evidence of this can be seen in the wineries scattered throughout the region.
BaBravdo vdo Winery is a family boutique winery, located in the heart of vineyards. The winery has been producing quality wines since its establishment in 2001.
Turning: Southwest
Annual precipitation average: about 500 mm
Soil: The soil is heavy clay, medium limestone, part of which enjoys air movement at all hours of the day and night and therefore the plot yields grapes without diseases and molds naturally.
Grape Varieties: Sauvignon Blanc - Planting 2012 and 2017 (10 dunams)
Petit Verdot - Planting 2012 and 2017 (10 dunams)
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