Various signs
The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

There are 43 signs belonging to the series Story gardens in Holon:       Show on map Thumbnails mode

26 Holon - Story Garden - The rabbit Mamushi
Ha-Avoda St 12, Holon, Israel
27 Holon - Story Garden - The five senses
HaMarganit St 16, Holon, Israel
28 Holon - Story Garden - There were two monkeys
Naomi Shemer St 7, Holon, Israel
29 Holon - Story Garden - Cheburashka and his friends
Cheburashka Park, Giv’at HaTahmoshet St 9, Holon, Israel
30 Holon - Story Garden - Moomins
Moshe Sharet St 50, Holon, Israel
31 Holon - Story Garden - Musically hot corn
Philadelphia St 16, Holon, Israel
32 Holon - Story Garden - A purple monster
HaHamaniya St 8, Holon, Israel
33 Holon - Story Garden - The lion that loved strawberry
Naomi Shemer St 3, Holon, Israel
34 Holon - Story Garden - Fables of Holon
Karsel St 4, Holon, Israel
35 Holon - Story Garden - It’s Me
Marvad ha-Ksamim St, Holon, Israel
36 Holon - Story Garden - The bird of the soul
Ha-Ma’apilim St 104, Holon, Israel
37 Holon - Story Garden - Caspion the Little Fish
Yiga’el Yadin St 9, Holon, Israel
38 Holon - Story Garden - Where’s Pluto
Yehoshua Hankin St 92, Holon, Israel
39 Holon - Story Garden - The Chameleon
Ha-Shomron St 9, Holon, Israel
40 Holon - Story Garden - Ruthie’s umbrella
Golomb St 40, Holon, Israel
41 Holon - Story Garden - The disguised egg
Golda Me’ir St 11, Holon, Israel
42 Holon - Story Garden - A story from the heart
HaAliya HaShniya St 34, Holon, Israel
43 Holon - Story Garden - The treasure of Chambalo
HaGalil St 7, Holon, Israel

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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