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Sign: Avignon - the history of the city - the municipal theater

Pl. de l’Horloge, 84000 Avignon, France
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On the sign:
Ville européenne de la culture

Histoire de la Cité

Théâtre Municipal
Au XIXe siècle, la ville décide d’élever un nouveau théâtre sur l’emplacement du couvent des religieuses de Saint- Laurent. Achevé en 1825, doté d’une façade de style gréco-romain ornée de colonnes et de statues allégoriques, l’édifice est ravagé par un incendie en 1846. Sa reconstruction sur le même lieu est aussitôt décidée. Théodore Charpentier et Léon Feuchères en dressent les plans. L’inauguration retentit des accents de "Guillaume Tell", le 23 novembre 1847. L’élégante façade, organisée autour d’un grand arc qui abrite la loggia du foyer, participe au décor de la place de l’Horloge.

[illustration of Molière]

A l’entrée, figés dans la pierre par les frères Brian, trônent Molière et Corneille. L’intérieur présente une belle salle à l’italienne composée d’un parterre et de quatre galeries. Le riche programme annuel respecte une tradition lyrique affirmée.
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The sign is similar to signs indicating historical places in other cities: Paris Click for sign's details, Lisbon Click for sign's details, Porto Click for sign's details. So it is likely that they were all designed by the same designer (Philippe Starck)

The sign describes the building that is currently used as the Avignon Opera House. A building opened in 1847, designed by Léon Feuchère and Théodore Charpentier and listed as a French historical heritage site

The place was photographed on the same day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

The sculptures that appear on the front of the building showing the playwrights Moliere and Pierre Corneille, made by the brothers Jean-Louis Brian and Joseph Brian appear here enlarged:
Moliere Click for a larger image
Pierre Corneille Click for a larger image

The illustration in the center of the sign, which is the illustration of Molière’s statue on the front of the building, appears here at magnification Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
European City of Culture

History of the City

Municipal Theatre
In the 19th century, the city decided to build a new theatre on the site of the convent of the nuns of Saint-Laurent. Completed in 1825, with a Greco-Roman style façade decorated with columns and allegorical statues, the building was ravaged by a fire in 1846. Its reconstruction on the same site was immediately decided. Théodore Charpentier and Léon Feuchères drew up the plans. The inauguration resounded with the strains of "William Tell" on 23 November 1847. The elegant façade, organised around a large arch which shelters the loggia of the foyer, contributes to the decoration of the Place de l’Horloge.

[illustration of Molière]

At the entrance, frozen in stone by the Brian brothers, Molière and Corneille sit enthroned. The interior presents a beautiful Italian-style room composed of a parterre and four galleries. The rich annual program respects a strong lyrical tradition.

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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