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Sign: Paris - "The Tree of a Thousand Voices" outdoor sculpture by Daniel Hourdé

2 Prom. Marceline Loridan-Ivens, 75006 Paris, France
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On the sign:
Danul Hourdé Signature
L’Arbre aux mille voix, 2024

[QR code]

L’Arbre aux mille voix est une métaphore de la liberté d’expres- sion puisqu’il est constitué d’une quantité de livres accити- lés dont les feuilles d’acier miroitent et tremblent. Leur frémis- sement évoque la fragilité des idées face aux dogmatismes. Les feuilles chaque année se renouvellent, telles les pages s’en- volent, comme les idées voyagent, messagères de lendemains enchanteurs.
Cette espérance promise par le miroitement, les déséquilibres et la caducité trahis par le miroir sont des thèmes récurrents dans le travail de Daniel Hourdé.

L’écriture étant le sésame de la liberté, l’écrit résiste comme l’arbre à l’adversité.

L’arbre tout entier par ses déformations révèle sa capacité de résistance, d’adaptation et de résilience. Il se plie, se tord mais ne se brise pas, face au vent des intolérances.
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The statue was placed in March 2024 and should be displayed for two months.
Daniel Hourdé’s work is a metal tree whose leaves are books (The Little Prince, Hamlet and others).
The work comes to express the freedom of expression symbolized by literature and books.

The statue was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

In the next picture, part of the statue is enlarged, so that the books themselves can be seen Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
Danul Hourdé Signature
The Tree of a Thousand Voices, 2024

[QR code]

The Tree of a Thousand Voices is a metaphor for freedom of expression since it is made up of a quantity of accelerated books whose steel leaves shimmer and tremble. Their quivering evokes the fragility of ideas in the face of dogmatism. The leaves are renewed each year, like the pages fly away, like ideas travel, messengers of enchanting tomorrows.

This hope promised by the shimmering, the imbalances and the caducity betrayed by the mirror are recurring themes in Daniel Hourdé’s work.

Writing being the sesame of freedom, writing resists adversity like the tree.

The entire tree, through its deformations, reveals its capacity for resistance, adaptation and resilience. It bends, twists but does not break, facing the wind of intolerance.

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