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On the sign:
האוניברסיטה המומלצת ביותר להוגה-הדיעות היא האש הצולבת של ההמון. ראלף ואלדו אמרסון, כח הדיבור, 1848. מאנגלית רנה ליטוין
The best university that can be recommended to a man of ideas is the gauntlet of the mobs. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Eloquence. 1848
In the current plaque appears a saying of the American philosopher, writer and poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882). who is known as a critic of Christianity and believes that man should improve himself while looking inward. The quote is from his essay "Eloquence".
Three months later, the same square was photographed, during that action it was discovered that a number of pavements had been removed and other pavements had been placed in their place. In this tile the design is different, see the other tile Click for a larger image