Entin Square is at the entrance gate to the Tel Aviv University campus in Ramat Aviv.
The square is studded with cobblestones with quotes, sayings, illustrations or formulas of the great scientists, thinkers and writers.
In the next photo taken that day you can see the square and the way the tiles are laid
Click for a larger image Details about the square can be found here
Click for sign's details In the current plaque appears a poem by the Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926). Rilke, who was born in Prague, is considered one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century. The poem is taken from his book "Letters to a young poet" ten letters he wrote to a young poet (Franz Xaver Kappus).
Translation of the text on the sign:
You are so young, so especially
beginning, and I want you, like that
well i can, ask, dear
Lord, have patience against
everything unresolved in your heart
and to try the questions
to love yourself like
locked rooms and how
Books in a very strange
language are written. Research
Dont look for the answers now
that are not given to you
can because you dont live them
could. And it is
about living everything. Do you live
now the questions. Maybe live
Then gradually, without it too
remember some distant day in the
answer inside.
Rainer Maria Rilke, Currently Worpswede near Bremen. 1903