The place where Mahatma Gandhi and his wife Kasturba Gandhi lived and from where they went on the salt march, marched to the village of Dandi, in protest of the salt tax imposed by the British government, a march that was the first act of resistance to the British rule.
The place was photographed on the same day by the same photographer
Click for a larger image The sign in the Hindi language was photographed on the same day by the same photographer
Click for a larger image In the center of the house is another sign with a picture of Mahatma Gandhi and a "prayer" that he wrote:
PRAYER Lord of humility, dwelling in the little pariah hut, help us to search for Thee throughout that fair land watered by Ganges, Brahmaputra and Jumna.
Give us receptiveness, give us open heartedness, give us Thy humility, give us the ability and willingness to identify ourselves with the masses of India.
O God, who does help only when man feels utterly humble, grant that we may not be isolated from the people we would serve as servants and friends.
Let us be embodiments of self sacrifice, embodiments of godliness. humility personified, that we may know the land better and love it more.
M. K. Gandhi
प्रार्थना हे नम्रता के सागर दीन भंगी की हीन कुटिया के निवासी गंगा, ब्रह्मपुत्र, यमुना के जलों से सिंचित इस सुंदर देश में तुझे खोजने में
हमें मदद कर । हमें ग्रहणशीलता दे, निश्छल हृदय दे,
अपनी नम्रता दे, भारत की जनता से एकरूप होने की शक्ति और तत्परता दे ।
हे भगवन्, तृ तभी मदद के लिए आता जब मनुष्य बिलकुल नम्र बन कर तेरी शरण लेता है । हमें वर दे
कि सेवक और मित्र बनकर जिस जनता की हम सेवा करना चाहते हैं, उस से अलग न पड़ जायें । हमें आत्म-त्याग
और सद्दगुणों के भाजन बना !
हमें नम्रता की साक्षात् मूर्ति बना ताकि इस देश को हम ज्यादा समझें और ज्यादा प्रेम करें ।
मो. क. गांधी
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