A monument placed in 2000 in the historic center of Lisbon, commemorating the Christian Church’s apology to the Jews who were forced to convert and killed in the Lisbon Pogrom, was designed by Carlos Ramos.
The monument was photographed on the same day
Click for a larger image Pay attention to the fish carvings, one of the symbols of Christianity.
Other sides of the monument:
Click for a larger image Click for a larger image Click for a larger image The text in the image above indicates the decision of the Vatican Council against discrimination (approximately):
Em atitude de conversão pessoal e comunitaria, quero retorat hoje solehemente perante Deus e diante de todos va
a advertència do Concillo Vaticand II
A Igreja Católiça «reprova como contrária ao espirito de Criste qualquer descriminação ou qualquer perseguição
faita por questoes de raça. ou de cor, de condição de vida ou de religiáo
E.. roga ardentemente aos (seus fieis) que ...
façam quanto deles depende para estarem em paz com todos.(of Rom 12, 18)
de modo que sejam verdadeiramente
filhos do Pai que está nos Ceus (cf. Mt 5.45)» (Nostra Aetate 5)
Oceanos to Paz. 26 - Setembro 2000
jose, Patriarca de Lisboa
In an attitude of personal and community conversion, I want to speak solemnly today before God and before all of you.
the warning of the Second Vatican Council
The Catholic Church "reproaches as contrary to the spirit of Christ any discrimination or any persecution
done for reasons of race. or color, condition of life or religion
And... earnestly begs those (his faithful) to...
do what it depends on you to be at peace with everyone.(of Rom 12, 18)
so that they are truly
children of the Father who is in Heaven (cf. Mt 5.45)» (Nostra Aetate 5)
Oceans to Peace. 26 - September 2000
Joseph, Patriarch of Lisbon
Next to this monument is another monument, and it is possible that these are different parts of the same monument
Click for sign's details Translation of the text on the sign:
This historic center of Lisbon, where today we fraternally embrace each other. it was in the past the scene of intolerable violence against the Hebrew people. Nor must we forget, in this place, the sad fate of new Christians, the pressure to convert, the riots, the suspicions, the betrayals. the fearsome processes of the Inquisition.
As the majority community in this city, for close to a thousand years, the Catholic Church recognizes that its memory is deeply stained by these gestures and words. so many times practiced in his name.
unworthy of the human person and the Gospel he proclaims.
Oceans of Peace, September 26, 2000
Joseph, Patriarch of Lisbon
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