The plaque commemorates the crane that was installed at the base of the Portuguese Naval Air Force. A crane that was intended to hoist the seaplanes for maintenance purposes.
In addition, the sign indicates that the flight of Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral, who were the first to cross the South Atlantic, took off from this place. A flight commemorated in a monument not far from this crane
Click for sign's details The crane was photographed on the same day
Click for a larger image Click for a larger image Click for a larger image There is another commemorative plaque on the crane, which reads:
Doca do Bom Sucesso - Centro de Aviação Naval de Lisboa 1917-1952
A 14 de dezembro de 1917 o Centro de Aviação Naval de Lisboa (CAN) iniciou a sua atividade operacional. Este Centro viria a ter uma ação proeminente no aprontamento das aeronaves que levaram a cabo as suas missões nos anos seguintes. Foi também deste local que partiu o raid aéreo Lisboa-Rio de Janeiro, de Gago Coutinho e Sacadura Cabral, um dos acontecimentos mais marcantes da História da Aviação.
Esta grua (Derrick Diedro) foi utilizada para colocar e retirar hidroaviões na Doca do Bom Sucesso, devendo ser considerada, pela sua longevidade, justamante, um dos simbolos da aviação naval cim Portugal, que hoje perfaz 100 anos.
Hemenagem da Marinha 14 de dezembro de 2017
Doca do Bom Sucesso - Naval Aviation Center of Lisbon 1917-1952
On December 14th, 1917, the Naval Aviation Center of Lisbon (CAN) began its operational activity. This Center would have a prominent action in the preparation of the aircraft that carried out their missions in the following years. It was also from this place that the first Lisbon-Rio de Janeiro flight started, with Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral, one of the most striking events in Aviation History.
This crane (Derrick Diedro) was used to place and remove seaplanes at Bom Sucesso dock, and should be considered, for its longevity, precisely, one of the symbols of naval aviation in Portugal, which now reaches 100 years.
Tribute of the portuguese Navy December 14, 2017
[Symbol of 100 years of naval aviation in Portugal]
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