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On the sign:
Torre de Belém, construida entre 1514 a 1520, pelo rei D. Manuel I, em homenagem a São Vicente, sob a orientação do Mestre de Obras de Reino Diogo de Boitaca, ao estilo Manuelino, com funções de defesa da barra do Tejo. Classificada pela UNESCO. como património cultural da humanidade em 1983.
Réplica da Torre de Belém à escala 1:50, destinada ao conhecimento por deficientes visuais e outros. Comemorações de "Centenário do Rotary Internacional Iniciativa do Rotary Clube de Lisboa Norte. . Presidente do Rotary Clube de Lisboa Norte José Manuel Morgado Ribeiro Presidente da Comissão do Centenário do Rotary Clube Lisboa Norte Joaquim Esperança Scultora-Maria Leal da Costa Lisboa, 31 de Maio de 2005
The Belém Tower was constructed during 1514 and 1520 under the regime of King D. Manuel I in tribute to the patron saint of the city, Saint Vicent. Diogo de Boitaca, first architect of the nearby Monastery of the Jerónimos, participated in decorating the building in the Manueline Style. The Belém Tower was built both as a ceremonial gateway to Lisbon and as part of a defence system of the entrance of the Tagus river. Classified by UNESCO as world cultural heritage in 1983.
The replica of the Belem Tower is 1:50 scale. This structure of the tower is intended to aid the visually impaired and disabled. Celebrations of the centenary Rotary International" Initiative of the Rotary Club of Lisbon North President of the Rotary Club of Lisbon North José Manuel Morgado Ribeiro President of Commission of "2the centenary Rotary Club of North Lisbon" Joaquim Esperança Sculpture: Maria Leal da Costa Lisbon, 31 May 2005
The sign indicates a model of the Tower of Belem, which is located near the tower. This model is an initiative of a Rotary organization, similar to initiatives in other countries (of similar organizations), for example Click for sign's details, Click for sign's details
BelemTower is a tower built at the beginning of the 16th century, following Vasco da Gama’s discoveries of the lands (mainly India).