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On the sign:
Geschützt durch Vie Haager Konvention vom 14. Mai 1954 zum Schutze von Kulturgut bei bewaff neten- Konflikten (BGBI. Nr. 58, 3. April 1964)
Protected by the Convention of The Hague, dated 14 May 1954, for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict (BGBI. Nr. 58, 3rd April 1964)
Sous la protection de la tip Tear Se Convention de La Haye du 14 mai 1954 pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit arme. (BGBI No. 53, Javril 1984)
Охраняется Гаагской конвенцией от 14 мая 1954 г. о защите культурных ценностей в случае вооруженного конфликта. (БГБЛ. № 58, 3 апреля 1964 г.)
A universal sign indicating that the site has cultural value and is protected under the Hague Convention in the event of an armed conflict. The sign appears in 4 languages (German, English, French and Russian) and below it is the universal logo indicating that this is a site of cultural importance.
The sign is on the Greek Orthodox Church - Holy Trinity, a church established in 1858.