A station on the ""Rishonim route", set up by a joint initiative of the Givatayim Municipality and the veterans association of Borochov neighborhood, featuring signs that mention the homes and institutions in Borochov neighborhoods.
The other side of the sign was photographed that day
Click for a larger image The site description appears on a separate sign
Click for a larger image The image of the garden was taken the same day
Click for a larger image Alex Vered’s note (2025):
The name of the "Borochov Square Circle Garden" was changed a few years ago by the Givatayim Municipality and has since been called "Aldema Square." The "Rishonim route" sign remains unchanged, and should remain so.
In the photo taken by Alex Vered in 2025, you can see the square and its new name
Click for a larger image Translation of the text on the sign:
Borochov neighborhood
Borochov Square "Circular Garden"
[Site description appears on separate sign]
"Circle Garden" - Borochov Square
Here, at the intersection of Keren Kayemet and Borochov streets, was the first public shack in the neighborhood. There were three rooms in the hut: one room had a neighborhood children’s school, the other had a neighborhood committee, and the third had a clinic. When it became clear that there was no money to finance permanent buildings in the square, it was decided to designate it for a public garden. To get the public, and especially the neighborhood wagon, to work around the garden, Shlomo Schneiderman and Ezekiel Beit Halahmi - planted ornamental trees and put up benches.
Over the years, the place has become a playground. It had a sandbox, swings, rocking horse and carousel. On the spot, members of the youth movements met and flourished the first loves.
The square is today called "Rishonim Square", in memory of the first, the founders of the neighborhood.
JNF (Jewish National Fund) emblem, Givatayim emblem
Symbol of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites - Israel
Veterans Association Borochov neighborhood