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Sign: Beijing - Hall of Benevolence and Longevity (Renshoudian)

X7XF+2M6, Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100091
Click here for a map that contains other items in the area

On the sign:
清漪园时名勤政殿,始建于清乾隆十五年(1750), 咸丰十年(1860)被英法联军烧毁,光绪十二年(1886) 重建,取《论语》中“仁者寿”之意,改名仁寿殿。这里 是慈禧和光绪住园期间临朝理政、接受恭贺和接见外国使 节的地方,为颐和园听政区的主体建筑。

Renshou Dian (Hall of Benevolence and Longevity)
First built in Emperor Qianlong’s reign (1750) during the Qing Dynasty, this building was named the Hall of Industrious Government when the whole Summer Palace area was called the Garden of Clear Ripples. In the Emperor Guangxu’s reign, the Hall was rebuilt (1886) where it had been before the Anglo-French Allied Forces burned it down in 1860. Citing the saying "One who is benevolent enjoys longevity" from the Analects of Confucius, it was renamed the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. This was where Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu handled court affairs, accepted laudations and received foreign diplomats during their stay in ne Summer Palace. As such, it was the main office building in the Summer Palace.

清漪園時期の名は勤政殿。乾隆15年(1750年)に建設が開始され、咸豊10年(1860年)に英仏連合軍に焼かれ、 緒12年(1886年)に復元された、《論語》の「仁者寿」の意味により、仁寿殿に名を変えた。ここは慈禧と光緒が住む時 朝政を治め、祝賀を受け、外国使節を招待した所、頤和園の重要な建物。

청의원(清漪園) 시기의 이름은 근정전(勤政殿)이었는데, 청나라 건륭 15년(1750)에 지어졌고, 함풍 10 년(1860)에 영국-프랑스 연합군에 의해 화재로 훼손되었으나 광서 12년(1886) 재건되었다. 인수전의 명칭은 『논어』에서 "인자수(仁者壽)"의 의미를 취하여 명명된 것이다. 이곳은 자희태후와 광서제가 허물며 정무를 처리하면서 각종 행사를 거행하거나 외국사절을 접견하던 곳으로 이화원에서 정치적으로 중요한 건물이다.

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The sign is at the entrance of the Summer Palace, in a place called the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity, which was used as the administrative part of the emperor. The place was built in 1750, burned in 1860 during the "Opium War" by the Anglo-French forces, and rebuilt in 1888.

The place was photographed on the same day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

In the next picture, from which the picture of the sign was taken, the sign and its surroundings are shown Click for a larger image

The QR code at the bottom of the sign links to an audio guide in languages ​​(Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean)
Audio Guide

The text appears in Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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