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Sign: Shoham - the commemorative site "Protective Birds"

Halapid St 6, Shoham, Israel
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On the sign:
[סמל עמותת "ציפורי מגן"]

אתר ההנצחה - ציפורי מגן

עמותת ציפורי מגן מבקשת להוקיר תודה והערכה רבה
למועצת שוהם / לבנק מזרחי טפחות / לבנק יהב / למשפחות השכולות
ולחברי העמותה ותורמים רבים נוספים

על תרומתם הנדיבה ועזרתם במימוש חזון הקמת אתר ההנצחה.

ט"ז אלול תשע"ג
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The monument commemorates the members of the Shin Bet who fell in the line of duty. The "Protective Birds" association is an association related to the Israel Security Agency (and indeed the symbol of the association is influenced by the Shin Bet logo).

The memorial site was designed by the sculptor Chen Winkler.

The memorial site was photographed on the same day by the same photographer Click for a larger image
The names of the fallen appear in the next photo taken by the same photographer Click for a larger image
On the monument there is a verse from a poem written by Natan Alterman: "And precisely the beauty and boldness of his works are hidden until now, because darkness covers" to the symbols of the State of Israel, the Shin Bet and more
Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
[Symbol of the "Protective Birds" association]

The memorial site - Protective Birds

The Protective Birds Association wishes to express our gratitude and great appreciation
To the Shoham Council / to the Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank / to the Yahav Bank / to the bereaved families
And to the members of the association and many other donors

for their generous contribution and help in realizing the vision of establishing the memorial site.


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