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The Invalides bridge connects the right bank with the left bank of the Seine. The name of the bridge was given to him because it was supposed to be built in front of the Palace of the Invalids, but due to construction and planning errors, the bridge was dismantled from this place and moved to its current location (the Alexander III Bridge is today in front of the Palace of the Invalids Click for sign's details). The first bridge (which was in front of the Invalids, was built in 1824, the bridge that replaced it was built in 1829. In 1854, in preparation for the world exhibition that was in Paris in 1855, they destroyed the bridge, and built the current bridge.
The length of the bridge is 152 meters, and the width is 18 meters and it is the lowest bridge among the bridges crossing the Seine in Paris.
The central pillar of the bridge is decorated with sculptures "La Victoire Terrestre" (Victory of the land) upstream side Click for a larger image and La Victoire Maritime (Victory of the Sea) downstream side Click for a larger image
The other columns are decorated with "Military Trophies" Upstream side - a shield symbolizing the land (like the statue in the center of the bridge) Click for a larger image Downstream side - a shield symbolizing the sea Click for a larger image