On June 14, 1940, Paris fell to German forces in World War II. De Gaulle fled to London, where he founded the Free French Army. On June 18, de Gaulle gave a speech on British radio, a broadcast recorded in France, in which he called on the French to resist. The speech is considered a founding speech in opposition to German rule.
On August 5, posters with the summary of the speech were pasted around London.
A copy of this poster appears on this sign, which appears in various places around Paris.
The house on which the sign is located was photographed on the same day
Click for a larger image Translation of the text on the sign:
[French Flag]
TO ALL FRENCHMEN France has lost a battle! But France did not lost the war!
Some rulers have been able to capitulate, yielding to panic, forgetting honor, delivering the country to servitude. However, nothing is lost!
Nothing is lost, because this war is a world war. In the free universe, immense forces have not yet given. One day, these forces will crush the enemy. On that day, France must be present for victory. Then, she will regain her freedom and her grandeur. This is my goal, my only goal!
This is why I invite all the French,
wherever they are, to unite with me in action, in sacrifice and in hope.
Our country is in peril of death.
Let’s all fight to save her
LONG LIVE FRANCE! [Charles de Gaulle signature]
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