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Sign: Ramat Hasharon - The Fields Trail - The year 1948

Agur St 18, Ramat Hasharon, 47226, Israel

On the sign:
עם קום המדינה מנתה רמת-השרון 2,500 נפש.

ב-1951 הוקמה המעברה הגדולה על האדמות שמול הכפר הירוק.

ב-1956 הגיע מניין האוכלוסין ברמת-השרון ל-8,000 נפש.

עד שנת 2000 שמרה רמת-השרון על סטטוס של "מושבה" - ובשנה זו הוחלף הסטטוס ל"עיר".

שביל השדות 1000 מ’

סמל העיר רמת השרון
רמת השרון - עושים היסטוריה
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A station in the Fields Trail: A walking route, along which are placed signs indicating landmarks in the history of Ramat Hasharon Click for sign's details

The trail was photographed that day Click for a larger image

In the next picture taken that day, the sign appears in full Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:

With the establishment of the state, Ramat Hasharon numbered 2,500 people.

In 1951, the large transit camp on the lands opposite the Green Village was established.

In 1956, the population census in Ramat Hasharon reached 8,000.

Until the year 2000, Ramat Hasharon maintained the status of a "colony" - and this year the status was changed to a "city".

Field Trail 1000 m

The emblem of the city of Ramat Hasharon
Ramat Hasharon - making history

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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