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On the sign:
W tym miejscu micszkał do 1939 FRANK MEISLER (1925-2018) ocalony dzięki Kindertransportom twórca pomników Kindertransportów autor wspomnień Zaulkami pamięci Honorowy Ambasador Gdańska w Izraclu 2014-2018
FRANK MEISLER (1925-2018) rescued by Kindertransports creator of Kindertransport Memorials author of the memoir On the Vistula Facing East Honorary Ambassador of Gdańsk in Israel 2014-2018 lived here until 1939
The house where the artist Frank Meissler lived who survived the Nazi regime through "Kinder-Transport". His work on the Kinder-Transport is in this city where he was born Click for sign's details