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Sign: Ramla - Memory Square - Danny Operation - Commanders and people associated with the operation

Dani Mas St 5, Ramla, Israel

On the sign:
דני מס
מפקד מחלקת הל"ה על שמו נקרא מבצע דני
Danny Mass
Lamed Heh Platoon Commander Operation Danny was named for him

משה דיין
מפקד גדוד 89 במבצע דני
Moshe Dayan
89th Battalion Commander during Operation Danny

יצחק שדה
מפקד חטיבה 8 במבצע דני
Yitzhak Sadeh
8th Division Commander during Operation Danny

מיכאל בן-גל
מפקד חטיבה 4 (קרייתי) במבצע דני
Michael Ben-Gal
4th Division (Kiryati) Commander during Operation Danny

יגאל ידין
רמטכ"ל צה"ל (כממלא מקום) בעת מבצע דני
Yigal Yadin
Acting IDF Chief of Staff during Operation Danny

דוד בן גוריון
ראש הממשלה ושר הביטחון בעת מבצע דני
David Ben-Gurion
Prime Minister and Defense Minister during Operation Danny

אלכס צור
קצין מבצעים חטיבה 4 (קרייתי) בעת מבצע דני
Alex Zur
4th Division (Kiryati) Operations Officer during Operation Danny

יגאל אלון
מפקד מבצע דני
Yigal Alon
Operation Danny Commander

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8 sculptures located in the memorial square (Heroic Square) in Ramla showing commanders and people associated with Danny Operation.

Below are the other signs and sculptures:
Danny Mass Click for a larger image

Moshe Dayan Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image

Yitzhak Sadeh Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image

Michael Ben-Gal Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image

Yigal Yadin Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image

David Ben-Gurion Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image

Alex Zur Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image

Yigal Alon Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image

In the next picture taken that day you can see the whole avenue of sculptures Click for a larger image

In the same square stand 5 plaques depicting Operation Danny, and the personalities associated with it Click for sign's details

And in a wider view of the square, you can also see the plaques depicting the operation, as well as the shadow of the sculpture "Past, Present, Future" Click for a larger image

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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