Various signs
The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

There are 36 signs belonging to the series Topor sculpture garden - Sheba Hospital:       Show on map Thumbnails mode

26 Tel Hashomer Hospital - "The Magnificent Three" Zigi Ben-Haim outdoor sculpture
Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel
27 Tel Hashomer Hospital - "The DNA Tower" Ilan Averbuch outdoor sculpture
Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel
28 Tel Hashomer Hospital- Sculpture Garden - "No name" Dan Richter-Levin outdoor sculpture (2)
Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel
29 Tel Hashomer Hospital- Sculpture Garden - "Is the tree the field.." Jack Jano outdoor sculpture
Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel
30 Tel Hashomer Hospital- Sculpture Garden - "Family" Ruth Bloch outdoor sculpture
Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel
31 Tel Hashomer Hospital - Sculpture Garden - "Gliding" Shlomit Averbuch outdoor sculpture
Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel
32 Tel Hashomer Hospital - Sculpture Garden - "No Title" David Fine outdoor sculpture
Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel
33 Tel Hashomer Hospital - Sculpture Garden - "New Life" Yigal Meron outdoor sculpture
Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel
34 Tel Hashomer Hospital - Sculpture Garden - "Little Houses" Gihvoly, Gelber outdoor sculpture
Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel
35 Tel Hashomer Hospital - Sculpture Garden - "Target shooting" Gihvoly, Rafi Peled sculpture
Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel
36 Tel Hashomer Hospital- Sculpture Garden - "Draw me a Tree" Irit Segal Israeli sculpture
Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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