The sign was placed on the occasion of Women’s Week events in Tel Aviv in 2023.
In the next photo taken on the same day, the sign appears in full
Click for a larger image The sign is on the street named after her.
The attached street sign has several details about it:
רח’ לֵנָה קִיכְלֶרְ-זִילְבֶּרְמָן
תר"ע - תשמ"ז / 1910 - 1987
מחנכת, "אם מאה הילדים" ששרדו מהשואה בפולין
Educator, "mother of the hundred children" who survived the Holocaust in Poland
Click for a larger image Translation of the text on the sign:
Branding symbol of the city of Tel Aviv - a city without a break
In our streets The stories of the women behind the names of the streets in the city
Symbol "In full exclusion 2023" - Women’s Week in Tel Aviv - Jaffa
[Drawing of the figure of Lena Küchler-Silberman - Eliya-Yam]
Lena Küchler-Silberman Educator, writer and psychologist
Poland 1910 - Israel 1987
She saved the lives of boys and girls who escaped from the ghetto and gave them unconditional love, nourishment, care, nursing and education. Her nickname was "surrogate mother".
After the Second World War, she gathered from various places boys and girls who were left alone and continued with them to Czechoslovakia, France and in 1949 immigrated with them to Israel and settled in the Schiller group. Lived in Tel Aviv and maintained a close relationship with the children all her life.
Her book "My 100 Children" was one of the first to deal with women and the family in the Holocaust. It became a bestseller and is being adapted into a film. She later wrote "The Century to the Limit", "My Mother’s Home" and "We Blame: Children’s Testimonies from the Holocaust".
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in our streets - 2023 Every street has a name, and every name has a story and achievements, which affect the lives of all of us. But how many of us really know the characters behind the street names?
Even today, too few women are commemorated on the streets of the city and the municipality is working to correct the injustice and place the women and their achievements at the forefront of the stage. Women who left their mark on society and the Israeli public in various fields.
A week ’in full exclusion’ brings up a miracle of inspiring women. who were recognized and honored by having a street named after them.